
Family History


The information published here is a collection from various websites.

Some of this information is based upon research in progress and

and has not necessarily been proven or finalized.

Questions or Comments or Additions or Corrections? Please eMail : Jay Funk






Bridgewater Family History
Samuel Bridgewater 1637
Immanuel Bridgewater 1715


 Questions or Comments or Additions or Corrections? Please eMail : Jay Funk



E-mail / Message Board



If you would like to post a message on this Bridgewater Email Message Board, email your message to:


  • 1/20/2011 : Joyce Rose Kight-Terrel


    I'm from the Bridgewaters, my mother was Mary Agnes Bridgewater, mother Mary Fulk and John Bridgewater.  Family of Samuel/Christian line. I'm very familiar with Bridgewater Cemetery as I spent many a Memorial day family get-togethers and picnics visiting the Bridgewater ancestors. 

    Just thought I would touch base. 

    Joyce Rose Knight -Terrell

  • 2/11/2009: Larry Howser from Arlington, TX subscribed

  • 1/27/2009: Brian Schmidt posted

To whom it may concern,

My name is Brian Schmidt and I'm the local history teacher in Schuyler County, IL.  For the past year I have been researching Civil War units from Schuyler county and while searching the Bridgewaters I came across your website.  Very nice.  A few years ago, a local genealogist from Rushville, Schuyler county, made the comment to me that Civil War letters from the Bridgewater family were "out there" somewhere.  Since that time that genealogist has passed away and I was wondering if you might be able to give me any information concerning the possibility of the letters.  I have much information on Co. G, 28th Illinois and Co. D, 115th Illinois, and the 119th in which Bridgewater's served that I would me more than willing to share. 

Thanks for your time,

Brian Schmidt 

  • 12/17/2008: Vern Paul from Dublin, Ireland commented:

Great work. After the holidays, I will see what I can add, probably Montana newspaper accounts I have copied . . . I would like to add some of your photographs to my own records if you do not mind. Vern

  • >>>>




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